Saturday, September 21, 2013

Pie in the sky

They looked like pies ...
....good enough to eat, I thought
A conifer-based polypore
It was on our walk one afternoon that I came upon this latest find. From a distance, they looked like pies rising from the earth. How spectacular, I thought, delicious pies laying upon the ground just waiting to be eaten!! Alas, as I drew nearer, what my eyes perceived as pie, my nose told me was far from it. "Polypore," I exclaimed! Polypore galore, to be precise. Large fleshy masses of white and brown marked the presence of a conifer-based polypore. Although common in northern temperate zones, this was my first sighting of the species. Excited by my discovery, I examined the delicately formed layers emerging from the ground. They do look good enough to eat, I thought. Then, I hurried home for my afternoon tea, as visions of pie danced in my head.

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