Saturday, July 13, 2013

The rescue

Yesterday, as Tinkerbelle and I set off on our afternoon walk, we decided to try a different route.  It was along this route that we spotted the fallen baby bird.  It was still alive, so Tinkerbelle picked it up with a doggie bag and looked for the nest. The nest was carefully concealed among the branches of a nearby tree. Tinkerbelle climbed the tree as I stood guard below.  Placing the bird in the nest  proved to be difficult as the nest appeared to be occupied. Then, with the help of two passersby, and after a few more tries, the baby was back in the nest. When we went to check on it this morning we were sadden to see that it had not made it. But, as we looked up at the tree, the sounds of chirping reminded us that though the nest had lost one, it was still full of life.

The nest was wedged high up in the tree

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