Sunday, June 8, 2014

The unexpected return

We went by the pond frequently in the days that came, mostly hoping to catch sight of the geese and the goslings.  Some days we were lucky enough to get a glimpse of the family, but today was not one of them. Today as we walked by pond, feeling a bit deflated that we had not seen the goslings, we couldn't help but feel that we were being watched.  We glanced over at the thicket of bushes just past the pond and were surprised to find a pair of eyes looking back at us.  Standing every so silently in the thicket was a deer.  It's gentle face looked straight at us as if to ask if we had brought anything for it. It had been a few years since we had seen deer in the glen and their return was indeed unexpected. But it was spring and the season usually brought critters of all types to the glen, sometimes to nest or in search of food.  As we watched this doe, a slight rustling next to her brought into focus a second deer standing by her side. So the three of us watched the two of them until we turned to leave.  We hoped that they would stay hidden from view as the glen has not always been a safe place for the deer.